「つま先タトゥー(Toe Tattoo)」がさりげなくてカワイイ
足の指に入れる「つま先タトゥー(Toe Tattoo)」は、さりげなくタトゥーを主張できることから、タトゥーで入れるボディパーツとしても人気の部位。
Laeviv Tattoo on Instagram: “Path of flowers - slide for color - . . . #flower #flowerttattoo #toe #toetattoo #girltattoo #tattoominimal #drawing #linework #minimalism…”
www.instagram.comGina Terilla Stankard on Instagram: “Dear Instagram...please STOP influencing me with shoes from startups! ”
www.instagram.comJ.. on Instagram: “Dot dot dash ... #dot #line #toetattoo #feet #handpoke #handpoked #handpokedtattoo #stickandpoke #stickandpoketattoo #tattoo #diy…”
www.instagram.comMinogue on Instagram: “My broken climber yogi feet, ft my sun and my moon tattoo which I did on myself today DM me to book in #tattoo #tattooapprentice…”
www.instagram.comLYDIA AMOR HAND POKE on Instagram: “Freehand toes today I still have space this weds thurs and Friday in leics”
www.instagram.comGeorgia Louise Hay on Instagram: “Matchy matchy tatty (toe not healed yet) #fingertattoos #toetattoo”
www.instagram.comKarel Beck on Instagram: “Tiny sunflower on toe #sunflower #sunflowertattoo #tinysunflower #toetattoo #girltattoo #femaletattooartist”
www.instagram.comAli Fidler on Instagram: “Littlest hearts ☺ . . . #tattoos #tattoo #tattooed #tattooing #heart #toetattoo #simpletattoo”
www.instagram.comKim Doll on Instagram: “Happy feet #nailsdone #nails #pinknails #pedicure #happyfeet #feet #toes #tattoo #toetattoo #foottattoo #colortattoo #kawaiitattoo…”
www.instagram.comImogen Fox on Instagram: “New toes thank you @onethousandfreckles #tattoo #toes #blackink #toetattoo #linework”
www.instagram.comAllie Enriquez on Instagram: “Quick walk-in! Still have free time tonight! Thanks for looking! #ladytattooer #foottattoo #lavidabella #tattoo #girlytattoos #toetattoo”
www.instagram.comTattoos on Instagram: “Cute lil ”